Eatery Review: Villa Italian Kitchen

There are many options in the Park City Mall Food Court from Saladworks and Subway to Burger King, chinese food (3 different places), and Villa Italian Kitchen. I had never tried Villa until yesterday. It was the chicken parmesan pizza roll that caught my eye.I decided to go with the parmesan pizza roll and a slice of their Hawaiian pizza. My boyfriend Jeff decided to satisfy his
appetite with two slices of their bacon pizza.
The service was outstanding. The men behind the counter were very friendly, exhibiting excellent customer service. They took the time to speak with us, hold a conversation, and made us feel like old friends. I enjoyed their energy and their kindness. This is what is going to make the next part a little difficult because I wish I enjoyed the food as much as I enjoyed the service but they just don't match. I'm not sure if it's due to how long the food has been sitting out but I can tell you that this meal left my stomach hurting.
Let's begin with the chicken parmesan pizza roll that you see to the left. My first bite was a mouthful of dough. Normally it doesn't bother me too much as other places tend to make their stromboli doughy but it's only at the ends. I tasted nothing but dough. The coating on the chicken made the taste worse because it tasted just as doughy as the roll itself. There was barely any sauce which caused it to be dry. The cheese didn't even give me relief. I felt like I had a huge thick loaf of cheesy bread with a hint of chicken. I ate it, determined to finish it but at the end, I picked out the chicken and left the dough.
My suggestion on how to make this better is to cut down on the dough, add more sauce and don't bread the chicken. If you're going to bread the chicken then thin out the dough and do it in chunks rather than strips. Also do not keep the cheese only in the enclosed part. It's too heavy for the stomach and the taste buds. Have it closed like a stromboli. If you would like to get an idea, I suggest visiting the Sugar Bowl on Lemon Street in the city and ordering their stromboli. They make the best broccoli and chicken stromboli with filling that satisfies the taste buds. There's nothing wrong with learning from other franchises.
Now for the Hawaiian pizza. Looks like a normal Hawaiian pizza right? This also did not sit well with me. I'm not sure if this due to the dough cake I ate before this but I couldn't finish this either.
Again I tasted nothing but dough. The ham had an awkward taste to me and it look like ham ends were used. Typically with a ham pizza you want to use the bare meat. By this I mean not the ends with the tough skin on it. It doesn't seem to work well here. The sauce was not to my liking but I think that was due to the overwhelming  taste of dough in my mouth. I ended up picking off the cheese and toppings, eating only that. Again I would use less dough and cook it more. I think that was a major problem as well, it didn't taste done on the pizza roll or the pizza.
What did Jeff think of the food? He thought it was alright. Yes, alright. He wasn't blown away either but he didn't have a problem polishing off his two pieces but to quote him, he said that he doesn't "think about that," he just eats it. I love him.
Is there room for improvement? Absolutely. Will I go back there? Not any time soon. Like I said, great service but unfortunately, the food did not blow me away but don't take my word for it check it out for yourself and leave your opinion in the comments. I really would like to hear what y'all think!


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